Community Support
“I applaud NACSA for putting students, families, and communities at the center with Excellence from Communities. All students, no matter the kind of public school they attend, deserve high-quality educational opportunities and this is the right step.”
“I commend NACSA for committing to work not just in, but also beyond charter schooling to develop more effective systems of school quality and oversight for all. It’s going to take an army of educators, school leaders, board members, and authorizers to create school systems worthy of the greatness of our students. Our students deserve the best and our army won’t accept anything less!”
“Families, especially now, need more great educational choices. I’m pleased to see NACSA focusing on finding ways to expand choices through creativity and flexibility, not more burdensome bureaucracy, to create the schools students need.”
“Charter schooling is showing why quality, innovation, and flexibility matters now more than ever. NACSA’s Excellence from Communities rightly prioritizes expanding educational opportunities to meet unmet needs, and enhances the promise of our work by centering students and communities.”
“I’ve seen the work NACSA has done to understand local context while supporting the creation of systems of authorizing intended to unlock the potential of educators, students and their communities. Excellence from Communities is an important evolution in articulating the importance of and how to operationalize such an approach.”
“I’m excited about NACSA’s Excellence from Communities priorities. Expanding quality charter schools founded by leaders of color so that all students have access to an exceptional school is a critical sustainability strategy and moral imperative. NACSA’s work will go a long way in helping those goals come to fruition while advancing self-determination in our communities.”
“Co-creating schools with communities, and seeing new and more diverse leaders thriving, is core to our work. It’s really exciting – and critical – to have such an aligned partner like NACSA working to create contexts where that work can thrive.”
“I’m excited to see NACSA focus on intentional investment in new and different people leading and thriving in authorizing. This will lead to more equitable, inclusive and accessible learning opportunities for every student.”
“Excellence from Communities will build the capacity of authorizers and policymakers to create the conditions that enable development of thriving, quality schools communities are calling for across public education. As a former authorizer and early childhood leader I have seen firsthand the potential when community assets and vision are supported to create new opportunities for children, and I’m excited to be part of NACSA’s work to help communities realize their aspirations for their children.”
“Making sure educational opportunities match the aspirations and needs of communities is critical. I’m thrilled that NACSA has made this a priority and is leading the way. This is exactly what we need if we are going to create sustainable transformation in education.”
“NACSA’s work to diversify the profession of authorizing as a part of Excellence from Communities is critical to smarter and more effective decision-making and innovatively meeting the demands of communities in these new times.”
“New models of success rooted in student aspirations, and growth of high-quality charter schools led by leaders of color that deliver exceptional results for all students couldn’t be more important right now. NACSA’s Excellence from Communities seeks to do just that and I’m excited about the impact it will have.”
“Investing in more school leaders and communities of color to create schools that deliver exceptional, community aligned results for all students could not be more important right now. I’m thrilled to see NACSA working to diversify the authorizing profession – and working with authorizing institutions so a more diverse profession can thrive – and creating contexts where quality, innovation, and flexibility lead to sustainable thriving communities for our future.”
“As more families choose the school that is the best fit for their children, we must evolve our work as authorizers to keep meeting student and family needs in these new times. I am excited that NACSA’s Excellence from Communities work is taking us in that important direction.”

Is your community doing this work now? Please share your story with us. Want to learn more about NACSA’s work?