centering communities

evolving excellence

Diversifying the profession

Broadening Commitments Across Education



Across Education

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All schools, not just charter schools, should prioritize BUILDING and sustaining OPPORTUNITIES ALIGNED TO COMMUNITIES’ STATED NEEDS.

Centering communities creates new opportunities for collaboration across educational sectors that can benefit more students. Authorizing has learned a lot about how to create quality options, at scale, with necessary autonomies and strong accountability that has applicability in and beyond charter schools.

Organizations and stakeholders responsible for ensuring school quality must teach and learn from each other to develop more effective approaches to community-responsive schooling.

From Our Plan. Over the next three years, NACSA will listen and respond to the needs of communities by creating:

Here are some of the things we’ve done to broaden our commitment to high-quality schools beyond just charters, but to all public school students and their communities:

Applying Authorizing Principles Across Education – After a series of internal and external incubation sessions, NACSA identified four key principles of authorizing with significant potential for broader applicability.